Sports contribute to a healthy mind, body and soul while building confidence and teaching critical life skills; goal setting and achievement, team work, perseverance, sportsmanship.
Our Athletic Department offers a variety of sport opportunities throughout the year for both girls and boys including volleyball, soccer, basketball and track. Parent support and involvement is encouraged. We look forward to teaming with your student to aid in the development of their skills and encouragement of their spirit.
3rd – 5th grade co-ed team
Season: September – November
1st/2nd grade co-ed team
Season: April – May
Track and Field
Boys and Girls 5th grade team
Season: March – May
Girls 3rd/4th grade team
Season: April – May
Boys 5th/6th grade and Girls 5th/6th grade teams
Season: November – December
Boys 3rd/4th grade and Girls 3rd/4th grade teams
Season: February – March
1st/2nd grade co-ed team
Season: April – May
Middle School
For middle school sports, we have a no-cut policy, meaning any student can participate on an athletic team. Playing time and participation on the middle school team is at the head coach’s discretion.
6th – 8th grade co-ed team
Season: September – November
Girls 7th – 8th grade team
Season: September – November
Girls 5th – 6th grade team
Season: September – November
Cross Country
6th – 8th grade co-ed team
Season: September – November
Boys 7th/8th grade and Girls 7th/8th grade teams
Season: December – February
Boys 5th/6th grade and Girls 5th/6th grade teams
Season: November – December
Track and Field
6th – 8th grade co-ed team
Season: March – May
High School
For high school sports, we have a no-cut policy, meaning any student can participate on an athletic team. Playing time and participation on the junior varsity or varsity team is at the discretion of the head coach. All of our Varsity sports are OSAA Valley 10.
Women’s Varsity team
Season: August – November
Men’s & Women’s co-ed team
Season: August – November
Men’s & Women’s JV & Varsity teams
Season: November – February
Cross Country
Men’s & Women’s co-ed team
Season: September – November
Track and Field
Men’s & Women’s co-ed team
Season: February – May
Men’s & Women’s co-ed team
Season: February – May
For more information about LCS Sports, you can contact our Athletic Director, Jacob Walbaum.
Physicals (Required for 12 years and older)
OSAA Physical Examination Form
Required every two years and must be completed prior to participation in a sport.
Physicals are valid for two years from the date they are issued.
Transfer Students
OSAA Eligible Student Transfer Certificate
Students transferring from another high school, not entering as freshmen, must complete an OSAA Eligible Student Transfer Certificate. This must be turned in to the Athletic Office to be on file prior to participation.
Activity Participation
Required for each sport to participate. This much be completed and turned in to the Athletic Office prior to participation.