Pre-Kindergarten & Elementary School


“We will not hide these truths from our children but will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord. We will tell of his power and the mighty miracles he did. So each generation can set its hope anew on God, remembering his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.” Psalm 78:4,7


Philosophy and Commitment

At Life Christian School, we believe that we have a responsibility to God and our families to provide a safe environment for your child where they will be nurtured, encouraged, and loved. We also believe that every child is a gift from God, and that He has ordained their life. The Lord has equipped each student with special talents, gifts, and strengths, and our teachers will partner with you in discovering and encouraging these qualities in your child.


We look forward to introducing your child to school. Together, we will explore God’s Word, work, pray, and play! We offer a four/five year old Pre-K class.

Elementary School

Our elementary students spend time daily in God’s Word laying a spiritual foundation through devotions classes and a weekly chapel. Our core classes then lay the academic foundation. In addition to whole class instruction, our students use digital learning, so that they can work at their own level through differentiated math and reading. There are also many opportunities for Project Based Learning (PBL). Elementary students in K-5 also participate in PE, Music, and Spanish classes. Through music they experience and develop a heart of worship, their singing voices, performing techniques, and music exploration. Our elementary students have outdoor recess in the morning and in the afternoon allowing them to exercise and play with their peers in addition to PE classes. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade participate in Junior Achievement Financial Literacy programs. Our 5th grade class prepares all year to attend JA BizTown in the spring. At Life, student progress is monitored three times each year through the NWEA MAP test in Math and Reading.

Our classroom teachers provide a warm, friendly, and creative atmosphere. They look for opportunities to showcase our students’ talents and challenge each student to reach his or her full potential. We have highly qualified, certified classroom teachers who nurture and guide each student to be their very best.

Our teachers are highly qualified, each being certified through the State of Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission and/or ACSI.

Beyond the Classroom

The LCS elementary community is one of growing minds, growing bodies, and spirits. We observe this growth in daily interactions between peers, in the classroom through academics, in leadership and responsibility, and in their responsiveness to God. Our once per week chapel programs are designed to train the students in how to take the responsibility, leadership, character and growth they have experienced and translate it into ways to serve their world.


Middle School & High School